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Embracing True Humility: A Journey of Overcoming False Humility

Lynne Themelaras

Have you ever had one of those “aha” moments when God suddenly shines a light on something in your life that you never really noticed before? Well, that’s exactly what happened to me. I found myself asking, “What has helped me emerge from being this quiet, fearful person into the person God has called me to be?”

Week two of this personal journey was an eye-opener. I realized that I was holding onto unforgiveness—a heavy burden of hurt and grudges that I thought I had let go of but hadn’t truly released. But then came the third revelation—pride. I know, you might be thinking, “Pride? But I’m not a prideful person!” That’s exactly what I thought.

The Lord gently reminded me that pride wears two masks. There’s the obvious arrogance, the “I’m everything, I’m all that” attitude. But then there’s the subtler, more insidious form: false humility. This was the one that had been holding me back, and I didn’t even realize it. I was too proud to make mistakes, too proud to be vulnerable, and too proud to admit that I wasn’t perfect.

The spirit of perfectionism had taken deep root within me. I believed I had to be the best at everything, and if I couldn’t be the best, I wouldn’t even attempt it. Can you relate? It’s amazing how this kind of thinking can keep us from fulfilling our true potential.

Learning to Embrace Vulnerability:

Over the years, I’ve discovered that allowing others to see my vulnerability has been a powerful testimony. It’s in our brokenness that God’s strength shines through. We don’t have to be perfect; we just have to be willing to step out in faith.

It’s okay to step out. Whatever your calling is, don’t let pride—whether it’s the overt kind or the subtle false humility—keep you from answering that call. Maybe you don’t struggle with an egotistical attitude, but is there a hint of self-preservation holding you back? That fear of failure? Remember, some of the world’s greatest inventions came to be because someone dared to try and failed before they succeeded.

Philippians 2:3 – Your Guide:

Let’s remember Philippians 2:3: “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility, love others above yourself.” When we live by this principle, we’re walking in true humility and obedience.

This week, take a moment to look into your heart. Ask yourself, “Am I holding back from what the Lord wants me to do because I fear failure?” Are you missing out on encounters and opportunities because of that false humility? Remember, God wants to use you, imperfections and all. Your challenge this week is to step out boldly, trusting that if God has called you to it, He will provide for it.

False humility is a sneaky adversary, but with God’s guidance, we can overcome it and fulfill our calling. Embrace your imperfections, step out in faith, and watch as your obedience makes a profound impact on someone’s life.

Do you ever find yourself wrestling with false humility? Are you letting insecurities or fear hold you back from your God-given calling? Remember, trust in God; if He has called you to it, He will provide for it. Let’s walk this path of true humility and obedience together.

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